Donating to Ty Cariad Africa
Your support can make a real difference in the lives of orphans, vulnerable children, and communities in Uganda.
We can't do it without you!
If you are a UK taxpayer, we would ask you to Gift Aid any donations you make.
This will help your donation go further, as the government will add an extra 25% to your donation.
All Gift Aid claimed will be used for the charity's general fund.
Did you know?
£10 could provide;
1 weeks' supply of firewood to cook; or
Half a month's soap to wash clothes; or
2 weeks Nursery Education for a child
£30 could provide;
2 weeks milk for the children; or
1 months salary for a washing lady; or
4 weeks Primary Education for a child
£75 could provide;
1 months supply (100kg) of beans; or
1 months salary for a house mother; or
Half a term of Secondary Education for a child
This will take you to a separate, secure site
All Gift Aid claimed will be used for the charity's general fund