Build A Wall - Total Exceeded!


You have raised an amazing £6,208!

We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have exceeded our set target of £5,808 which is needed to build a new security wall to keep 47 children at the Children's Home safe and secure. To raise this amount of money so soon after our Christmas Fundraiser was a "big ask", but with special thanks to all who gave and all who shared the posts, the total raised is an amazing £6,208!!

Site meetings have already taken place in Uganda, and work is due to commence on April 8th and should last for 5 to 6 weeks. We will, of course, keep you informed through posts on our website and social media.

On behalf of the children and staff at the Children's Home, and all of the Trustees of Ty Cariad Africa, thank you for your incredible support!


Harvey Jones