An interview with Paul Bangs – Trustee
I first became involved in the ministry some seven years ago when I was invited by Dr Joseph Serwadda to speak at some conferences at his church in Kampala. I travelled with Paul and Jan Thomas, and Harvey and Jan Jones, and together we stayed at Joseph’s home adjacent to the Victory Child Care Project-Ty Cariad children’s home.
I was deeply moved by what I saw at the children’s home – the love of the staff and the love returned by the children. We were made to feel very special by all concerned, and it was a wonderful introduction to the work that Tŷ Cariad Africa, and its partners, staff and supporters are doing.
This introduction led to me being invited to join the Trustees, and it has been my honour and immense pleasure to work with an amazing team of dedicated people. I have been able to use some of my business skills and experience to identify grants from various funders, and we have seen the development of facilities at the Victory Child Care Project-Ty Cariad home over the last few years. Today, this children’s home is recognised as being one of the best in Uganda for the services it renders and the facilities it provides.
As a by-product of being involved, I have had the joy of working with a number of churches in different parts of Uganda, sharing the love of Christ, seeing many people give their lives to Jesus and many healed. This would not have happened had I not become involved in the work of Tŷ Cariad Africa.
Visiting Uganda with Tŷ Cariad Africa was a life changing experience and I will be forever grateful for that opportunity.