Weekly Report - 16th February 2020


On Monday 10th Praise and Naomi started Secondary School in Senior 1. We thank God for this new journey they have started in their Secondary School level. Naomi and Praise received a very good reception from Phiona, she helped them as they went to register with the matron. She also accompanied them to the Senior 1 dormitory and made sure that they got good beds.


On Wednesday 12th we had a Staff meeting at the Ty Cariad home. The meeting was chaired by the Administrator with a membership of 2 Social workers, 1 Senior mother, 2 cooks, Handy man, Driver and 4 mothers. During the meeting, Olivia thanked all staff for their commitment as they serve in the children’s ministry of Victory Child Care Project. She thanked them for taking good care of their children. All children are healthy and growing well and stronger every other day.

We are grateful for the love and care that the elder children are extending to the young ones. They often carry the babies, feed and bathe them. During playtime sessions, the older children sing rhymes and engage them in several games which greatly helps to speed up their mental development.


Over the weekend, the children actively participated in doing house chores. They participated in cooking and preparing meals, cleaning the compound, house mopping, and washing clothes.


The week ahead is a busy one for the social workers with follow up visits to schools who have received support as part of the Keeping Girls in School Project, aimed at tackling period poverty for some of the most vulnerable girls in Wakiso District. You can read more about the project by clicking here.


Harvey Jones