Weekly Report - 23rd February 2020
The children are developing well in regards to the social, physical, emotional and spiritual aspect of life. The mothers take good care of each individual child.
Every Saturday, the children who commute to school from the home actively participate in washing their uniforms, bedding and sports shoes under the supervision of the house mothers. This helps them to gain the sense of responsibility as they grow up.
Health wise, the children are okay apart from Angel who came back from school on Thursday evening when she was sick. On Friday she was taken to the local Health Centre where she was diagnosed with malaria. Miracle has flu and a cough, but his health is getting better.
On Thursday 20th, the Home received visitors from the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development. The purpose of the visit was to monitor the activities carried out at the Home, and to train and empower the staff on the effective use of the Child information Tracking software which records the information for each child from registration up to case closure.
On Tuesday, social workers Emma and Teddy traveled to Nakapiripiririt District to trace for the family of two of the children at the Home. The journey is approximately 225 miles each way and takes over 7 hours by bus each way. This just shows the dedication that the team have in looking for family members for the children, and ultimately, in giving the children an opportunity to grow up in a family.