Coronovirus Update - 18th March 2020
In these unprecedented times as we wait to see what impact the Corona Virus will have on Ty Cariad Africa and the children and communities we support, be assured that we are working very closely with the team in Uganda to monitor the situation and to see how this will affect us all.
The first update is that all schools and colleges will close on Friday, and so the team is busy arranging for those children in boarding to return to the home.
There will be further updates in the coming days, weeks and months and we will keep you updated, and I have no doubt, ask for specific support.
In the meantime, I would ask for three things:-
PRAY - those who can, please pray for the children and the team in Uganda for their health and their safety.
DONATE - we would ask you to step up your financial support for us as exchange rates drop and prices start to rise.
SHARE - at a time when we are encouraged to keep to ourselves, please share this post and the ones which will follow with as many people as you can - using social media, texts, tweets, phone calls etc.
Thank you for your continued support, and please, keep safe.