Covid update, exam results and more...
As some of the children were due to return to school at the beginning of June, after not being there for 15 months, Uganda entered another lockdown.
The lockdown includes the closure of all educational institutions, restrictions on travel, the closure of open markets, and the suspension of church services. Uganda currently has 89,974 reported cases, with 25,453 since the last newsletter on 15th June. It is also suspected that there are many more cases and deaths being unreported due to lack of testing.
Covid Update at the Home
We are delighted to report that all the staff and children who tested positive for Covid have now fully recovered, and measures are in place to ensure the safety of all at the Home.
Restrictions are in place to limit the risk of bringing Covid into the Home. Staff who live off-site have either been asked to stay at home or have been asked to move in to live on-site whilst the lockdown is in place. Any new admissions to the Home isolate until a negative Covid test is confirmed.
Supporting Vulnerable Ugandan Children in Communities during Coronavirus
On 25th June, shortly after the lockdown came into force, the social work team in Uganda asked us to help 29 families - 144 children and adults in total - by providing them with maize flour, beans, sugar and rice at a cost of £500 per week during the lockdown. These families need our support as there is no social system in place to help fund them when they are not allowed to work, and there are no food banks.
We are delighted that already we have received donations totalling £1,328 - thank you! The social work team have already provided the 29 families with support for food for 2 weeks, but with the lockdown due to be in place until at least the end of July, we would like to be able to do more.
If you would like to donate to this project, please click this link to donate online
Every donation counts, however big or small.
For just £2.50 per day (2.91 Euros) per family, we can help provide food for them at this difficult time. This would help to provide maize flour, beans, sugar, and rice.
Here are some photos of the families who have received your support.
Isaac, Sarah, Angel and Gideon received their Primary Leaving Exam results (PLE's) on Friday, and we are pleased to tell you that they all passed with Division 2 passes! Well done!!
Isaac, Sarah, Angel and Gideon
Teddy and the rest of the staff continue to do a tremendous job in homeschooling the children, ensuring that individual attention is given to every child.
All the children (and staff) recently took part in a PE and activities day, and I think that it is fair to say that all enjoyed!
Life at the Home
Throughout Uganda, singing and dancing are a very important part of life - it is no different at the Home. Emma (our lead social worker) is a very good keyboard player and has been playing for the children and staff to sing along.
Here are some photos from last Sunday.
As with the first pandemic, gifts have been received from local well-wishers and supporters - we are very grateful for their support.
Thank you!
Thank you to all who continue to support the children in Uganda, we couldn't do it without you!
If you have not yet given and would like to, you can give now by visiting our secure web page